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2024 Performance Schedule

Thursday 11/7

7:00 PM Montana Short Cuts: Future Present Tense

9:00 PM The Indys: The Giveaway Pile / San Juan Todavia Vive (Free preview!)


Friday, 11/8:

7:00 PM The Indys: Escape / Saturn Station

Saturday, 11/9:  

1:00 PM The Indys: Saturn Station

2:30 PM The Indys: A Field of Daisies

7:00 PM Montana Short Cuts: Future Present Tense

Sunday, 11/10:

1:00 PM The Indys: Escape / The Giveaway Pile / San Juan Todavia Vive

3:00 PM MTSC

Monday, 11/11:

dark - no performances

Tuesday, 11/12:

7:00 PM The Indys: A Field of Daisies

Wednesday, 11/13:

7:00 PM The Indys: Escape / The Giveaway Pile / San Juan Todavia Vive & Audience Talk-Back 


Thursday, 11/14:

7:00PM The Indys: A Field of Daisies & Audience Talk-Back 

Friday, 11/15:

7:00 PM Montana Short Cuts: Future Present Tense & Audience Talk-Back 

Saturday, 11/16:

2:00 PM Escape / The Giveaway Pile / San Juan Todavia Vive

7:00 PM The Indys: A Field of Daisies

Sunday, 11/17:  

2:30 PM Montana Short Cuts: Future Present Tense 

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